
Inspired by Indian Goddess Lakshmi of wealth, fortune and prosperity. This Amulet brings good luck especially in the area of prosperity, wealth, generosity. It aids in fulfilling one's desires and promotes success. The word Lakshmi is derived from the Sanskrit word “Laksme”, meaning “goal”. The colour red is in many cultures representative of vitality, celebration and fertility.

Red coral — supports emotional balance, love for life and reduces fears.

Cinnabarit — attracts abundance.

Hematite — grounds, alligns chakras and reduces fear and anger, removes energetic blocks.

Symbolism: Eternal knot — eternity, mutual connectedness and good luck.

dimensions: 5cm x 18cm


Decorative hanging diffuser that scents your home with the fragrance of pure essential oils. The wooden element is hand carved in legendary Rajasthan with ancient Indian symbology. The stones, colours, wood and scent together radiate positive energy, harmonising you and your space. Included in the package and price is a blend of pure essential oils. Choose with your intuition and hang it in your favourite spot at home or gift it for good luck…Uplift your spirit.


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